Saturday, January 26, 2008

Best Show On Cable

I want to be Joey Greco, for those who do not know Joey he is the serious, monotone talking, "host" of the show "Cheaters". He gets to bust husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends in the act with the guilty party's significant other. The only thing I do not like about Joey is he lies every episode. He always makes the comment, as he shows the crying jilted lover the video of their other caught in the act "I hate to be the one showing you this." BULLSHIT you are the host of the show not only do you want them to see this you want them to go ape shit when they get to see their partner doing the "Hibbity-Dibbity." The other thing Joey says that I would bust him on is his little comments about where people are getting it on. I heard him say yesterday "How classy, making out in the parking lot" come on Joey you never hooked up in the parking lot of a mall??

Really though who the hell calls Greco? They always have a shot of the person explaining why they think the person is cheating. The typical response is "He gets calls from other women I don't know, he is never home, he smells of perfume when he gets home" What the fuck you need Doug Davis's brother to go stakeout on this guy? You want everyone to see you life of shit on TV and we all know you let this person back in the door a few days later. How could you go to work the day after it shows?? That is like that lady from town who was on Judge Joe Brown and aired all of her "life choices" for 500 bucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll feel much differently when you discover that I've been doing the "Hibbity-Dibbity" with your wife as you watch the "Best Show on Cable."